Hydrogen sulphide as a natural air contaminant in volcanic/geothermal areas: the case of Sousaki, Corinthia (Greece)
13 November 2019
D’Alessandro W., Brusca L., Kyriakopoulos K., Michas G., Papadakis G.
Environmental Geology, 2008, 57(8), 1723-1728
Volcanic and geothermal areas are one of the major natural sources of H2S to the atmosphere. Its environmental impact is often the main cause of the opposition to the development of geothermal energy exploitation programs. In this paper, we analyze the air concentrations and dispersion pattern of naturally emitted H2S at the geothermal area of Sousaki (Corinthia, Greece). Measurements, made with a network of passive samplers, evidence a rapid decrease of concentration values away from the emission points. The fact that the decrease is more pronounced in the summer with respect to the winter indicates that it is not only due to a dilution effect, but also to redox reactions favored by higher temperatures and intense sunlight typical of the summer period.